manifesting what you want

#54 How To Manifest What You Want With Melanie Bundock

Are you eager to know how to manifest what you want and make your biggest dreams possible?

Life coach and Manifesting Queen speaker Melanie Bundock shares some insights about helping people to tap into their big vision, setting huge goals and clearing away the blocks that are preventing them from realizing those dreams.

Melanie is a big fan of vision boards and visualization. She believes that success starts with a big vision and getting clear on what you want to achieve.

According to her,

“There’s no point striving hard if you don’t know where you’re going.”



Tips on How to Manifest What You Want


All women, particularly mums and entrepreneurs find that being time efficient can be their worst struggle.

It’s important to be smart with your time, learn to delegate and get help from other people because sooner or later you’re going to realize that you can’t achieve success all by yourself.

Your time as an entrepreneur is much better spent doing what you’re good at. Look at the activities that cost less than what your hour is worth, they’re the ones that you need to outsource first.  This will help you free up your time and focus more on activities that are going to make you more money.


In setting a big goal such as being a millionaire, you have to have a purpose. You have to determine clearly what you want to do with your money, what experiences you’d want to have. It’s what you want to exchange that money for that will give you that drive, the reason to strive for something bigger.

Money can actually be a limitation. Saying “I want a million pounds so I can do this” can be limiting. What you want is financial freedom.

When you want to manifest something, you’ve got to believe in it. That belief is the secret source that makes the manifestation happen.

You can always do something to make yourself feel better. Sometimes it takes more of an effort on some days than others.  


Motivation Tips for MUMS

You’ve got to put yourself first. It’s so important because as mum, we do so much for our kids but we also have to make time for ourselves. Learn to be selfish every once in a while and always find something to do that will light you up.


💜 Let your children do stuff. Help them to learn things on their own and be more independent.

💜I hope you learned lots of tips from this episode. Any thoughts? We’d love to hear from you!


Melanie’s Links:

Check out Melanie’s Daily Mail Article and her Virtual Vision Board Workshop



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THANK YOU so much for your support and remember there is enough success out there for ALL OF US. Stay strong my beautiful Mumpreneur friend, you really can do anything you want. Focus on being happy everyday 

Veena V 💜 xx

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